Monday, February 26, 2018

WEEK 100

Hey everyone!
It'll be a short email, not a lot of things happened this week.
It's the start of the new transfer and last transfer. It's strange to say it's the last. It's kinda sad haha. But my new comp Elder Peterson is pretty great. We get along really well. We are working hard and trying to find some more people to teach. 
There were some great lessons we had, one was with a man named Atiba. He is really wanting to know more about his gospel and has a great desire to learn more. He had some questions about Joseph Smith so we taught a lesson and all we did was read the whole way through the first vison account and see what we could learn about our heavenly father. It was great, he learned more how he appeared to Joseph Smith to restore His church and that they have bodies of flesh and bone. He said he has to do some serious praying but those who seek shall find. And with his desire I know he will get answers to his prayers.
Other than that it just has been a fun week of memories. 
enjoy each and everyday. 

love elder bastian

Monday, February 19, 2018



Hey everyone!

This was a very productive week! A lot of this happened.
It was carnival week and Valentine's day. For a few days we had to go in early cuz of the craziness going on outside haha, during those days we had exchanges. I was here in Arima with Elder Mckay, he is a great elder. 

On Thursday we had a few special guests, Elder Kearon and Elder Zivic from the Seventy and their wives came and spoke to us missionaries in Trinidad. It was awesome to be able to hear from them, the spirit was really strong and they talked about some great things. They mentioned how it's a commandment to rejoice. So be happy... be joyful of the things around you. We have so many great blessings all around us.
Also we had a baptism this week!! Dionyese was able to get baptized. She has been so patient for it. She's been waiting for almost 2 years and now she finally accomplished her goal so I am so happy for her, her knowledge and testimony has grown so much!

We also got transfer calls, I am staying in Arima for my last transfer and Elder Peterson will be my companion. He is from California and a pretty funny elder. It will be fun and working really hard as well.
Elder Hill is going to Tobago! so that will be fun for him.
It is amazing how many experiences you have as a missionary and how much the spirit helps you along. The experiences I have been having has been great to see how much His hand is helping us find and help those around us. I know as we always rely on the spirit we will see things happen.

love elder bastian





Wednesday, February 14, 2018


carnival week!

hey everyone!

The last couple days were carnival so everything was closed.
this week was pretty good.
We had some great lessons with a lot of people. we went through the Joseph Smith history with a less active member and it was such a spiritual experience to see what she was able to learn from Joseph Smith's experience. I've read that so many times but she taught me some new things from it.

We had a lesson with a man named Atiba, he is really seeking for the truth. We shared the restoration video with him and he was like wow it all makes sense, he said he really has to study and pray to really know that heavenly father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. But he is really seeking for that truth and wants to know as well, such a great desire just like the scriptures say if ye shall seek ye shall find and I know he will find.

We have been teaching a nice lady named Dionyese for a little while now and she is getting baptized this Saturday!!! She has been coming to church for a while now and has been really patient. She is so excited and I am really happy for her.
Also a few minutes before sacrament meeting the branch president asked me if I could talk in sacrament. Of course I said yes. I wasn't sure what to talk about so as we were sitting and singing the opening song I said a quiet prayer asking for the help and guidance of the holy ghost. A thought came in my head to talk about prayer. I'm not sure why but I got that prompting to. I was able to give the talk. I shared my personal example with prayer and how we can gain that relationship with him as we pray. I know my words were guided by the holy ghost. Starting of the mission I know there was no way I could have done that. I am grateful for the guidance of the spirit and learning to trust in the promptings and also in Him. 

The past two days was carnival so a lot of craziness haha so Monday we had a few lessons and then we chilled with the branch. We played cricket and basketball . It was a ton of fun! 

take care!
elder bastian

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


fishers of men

Hey everyone,
Couldn't email yesterday due to the shop was closed haha but this last week was really good!  We had Zone Conference this last week, it was really good. We talked a lot about the goals for this new years and what as missionaries can we do. We also talked about the conduct we do as missionaries and how we can change and improve on the things we need to, of course we can always improve each and everyday. It's a process, we even talked about after our missions and who we want to become. It was a great and spiritual conference.

Also we have been getting referrals lately. We got one from headquarters and this referral was from 2 years ago. I called her she was still interested in the Book of Mormon. We met with her and she is really awesome she wants to learn more about this message and about the church, she is definitely prepared. And through all the patience she is thrilled we were able to stop by. Also with a family we taught last night Brother Victor (who is a strong member) wanted us to teach his children. They are part member families and less active members. We met with them the first time last night and they are amazing. There are 2 reactivation's and 5 baptisms right there. They are all prepared, they love church! They say they learn more from the days they went then the whole life in any other churches. Everyone in the lesson participated too even the little kids were raising there hands and giving great answers. Their family is close and they know our Heavenly Father loves them. They all decided to come to church because Brother Victor had a family home evening with them all and the words he said to them all made them all want to change and come to church and be closer as a family. I do know how heavenly father answers prayers. We have been praying for a family to teach and to baptized. I know we have found that family. He prepares His children. I also know family home evenings are very important. This help with their choice on coming to church. I'm excited to work with this family.

Also yesterday we went fishing at a pond at La Vega it was a ton of fun. Just remember to be fishers of men and share the gospel and the happiness it brings.

love elder bastian